Staff Management
Bellwether's Staff Resourcing tool allows you to create, project and distribute rosters based on budgets and desired staff to customer ratios which you provide. The staff management page is accessible under the 'Staff Resourcing' menu on the left hand sidebar.
In Staff Management, you can add, view and delete staff in your company, specifying their store, department, and pay rates.
Manually Adding Staff:
Click 'Add Staff'
Input staff information:
First name: The staff member's first name
Last name: The staff member's last name
Staff email address: Rosters will be emailed out to this address when published.
Staff Type: Full time, part time, casual, contract or temp.
Staff ID: If you use a third party staff ID system, you can add this here.
Hourly pay rate: This is optional, but required for budgeting.
Minimum/Maximum Weekly Hours: The minimum and maximum hours this team member can be rostered. If these are exceeded you will be warned when attempting to publish the roster.
Staff Location: The store the staff member works at.
Redacted wage: Enable this to hide the staff member's wage from other members of the company. This is for privacy reasons, and will not affect budget functionality.
Days staff are available: Tick the days the staff member is available to work. They will not be available on days which aren't ticked, when creating the roster.
Click 'Create Staff'.
The new staff member will appear on the list and be immediately available for rostering.
Bulk Add Staff:
You can add staff en masse, or import from another rostering system, using this feature.
When you click the 'bulk add staff' button, the following window will appear:
Download the CSV template before uploading your CSV file, or you will be presented with an error when trying to import. The CSV template includes the following columns:
First name: The staff member's first name
Last name: The staff member's last name
Staff email address: Rosters will be emailed out to this address when published.
Staff Type: Full time, part time, casual, contract or temp.
Staff ID: If you use a third party staff ID system, you can add this here.
Pay rate: This is optional, but required for budgeting.
Minimum/Maximum Weekly Hours: The minimum and maximum hours this team member can be rostered. If these are exceeded you will be warned when attempting to publish the roster.
Available on Monday (1 = Yes, 0 = No) (Required) Available on Tuesday (1 = Yes, 0 = No) (Required) Available on Wednesday (1 = Yes, 0 = No) (Required) Available on Thursday (1 = Yes, 0 = No) (Required) Available on Friday (1 = Yes, 0 = No) (Required) Available on Saturday (1 = Yes, 0 = No) (Required) Available on Sunday (1 = Yes, 0 = No) (Required)
Download the Store ID file before uploading your staff list. Each store has a unique 6 digit ID in Bellwether, and this must be included in the 'Store ID' column of your CSV.
Once your file is formatted correctly, select it and then click 'Upload File'.
The new staff members will appear on the list and be immediately available for rostering.
Last updated