Dashboard Settings
Bellwether’s Dashboard Settings page gives you the ability to:
Update Conversion, Average Transaction Value and Items Per Transaction targets
Edit store names
Rearrange the order that dashboards appear in your side menu
Set your home page to either be your default dashboard, or an overview page
Set your Overview Data Aggregation Preference to either, daily, weekly, monthly, YTD or MAT
Note that targets and store names can only be edited by users with admin rights. Also note that the order dashboards appear in the side menu are special for each user, editing your layout will not affect any other users layouts. Overview settings are also specific to the individual user. To read up about the Overview page, follow this link.
To access this, first go to the settings menu on the top left, and click ‘Dashboard Settings’.
This will bring you to the page below. Note the list of stores available for you to manage, as well as the ‘edit’ and ‘target’ icons to the left of each store name.
Editing a Store Name
To change a stores name, click the ‘edit’ icon to the left of the store (circled in blue in the image above).
That will bring up the image below, allowing you to type in the new store name in the box on the right. Please ensure that you keep the company name in the store’s name. For example, you might rename ‘my company Green Street’ to ‘my company Taupo Store’ for ease of recognition.
When you’re finished, click save changes.
Editing a Stores Targets
In the store management page you can set and change these targets on an individual store basis, to empower your team to continually improve.
To change targets, click the target icon to the left of the store name (circled in red in the image above).
In the image above your current CV (Conversion Rate), Items (Average Items Per Transaction) and ATV (Average Transaction Value) targets are displayed. In the right you can insert the new targets you want to set for this store. Note if you leave a target blank, it will be set to the current target. For instance, leaving the New ATV Target box blank will set the ATV Target to 22 in the image above.
When you have set these targets, click save changes and the new targets will appear next time you log in.
All these settings can be found under the Custom Order tab in the image above. Switching to the Overview Settings tab will bring up the options in the image below.
On the left, you are given the option to swap between setting your home page to the Overview page, or the Dashboard page. Setting the home page to Overview will mean when you log in or when you click on the Bellwether logo in the top left corner, you will see the Overview page instead of the usual dashboard page. To read up about the Overview page, follow this link.
On the right, you are given the option to set your Data Aggregation Preference. Data that displays on the Overview table will default to this preference. You can choose between daily, weekly, monthly, Year To Date or Moving Annual Total. You can also swap between these views of the overview page, this just sets the default view.
Graphics Hours
If you would like to understand how to adjust your graphics hours please click here.
Updated on July 29th 2020
Last updated