Population Table

If you manage a public space such as a library, venue or co-working space, Bellwether provides you with the ability to see real-time and average population counts, as well as foot traffic and the ability to filter foot traffic by door.

If you have a space like this, you’ll get access to a graph like this:

We use enter and exit counts to accurately calculate how many people are in the building at any one time, and display the population on this table.

The higher the population, the darker the shade of blue that fills the table cell. If data cannot be found due to the table displaying future dates, the table will display 'Pending' in the cell. At the bottom of the table, the Max row displays what the highest population count was for that day. Beneath that row displays what time of the day the highest population count was reached.

You can also create alerts for when the population exceeds a value you choose, for security and safety purposes, or to keep track of your growth over time with the button in the top right corner.

In the bottom left, you can specify which date range the population table shows.

Updated on July 7th 2020

Last updated